5-Ways to Work on Achievable Weight Loss Today

At Lifestyle Health and Wellness, we create success through sustainable, long-term lifestyle and daily habit awareness. We care about the you that is 1, 5, & 15 years out from our program and know that weight loss is a lifelong challenge. Let us help you reduce this challenge as we work together identifying any medical conditions, health concerns, lifestyle needs, wants, and goals as it pertains to you and your journey. Interested in learning more? Reach out and schedule a discovery call today.

Here are 5 ways to incorporate lifestyle into your daily habits for achievable weight loss:

  1. Increase Water Intake

    • 75 % of adults are chronically dehydrated. Dehydration can affect many cellular processes, as our body is made up of 55-65% water. Increased water intake helps flush out your body, promote digestion, improve skin, reduce fatigue, etc.

    • About how much water should I drink? For an exact estimate please reach out to your provider or schedule an appointment at our clinic. That being said, for a rough estimate you can take your body weight in pounds and divide that by 2. The number you get is about how many ounces of water to consume daily. Want to learn more about recommended water intake? Check out this blog post.

      •   Ex: 200 lb divided by 2= 100 ounces of water per day

    • Remember: Caffeinated drinks, drinks high in sugar, pop, milk and alcohol don’t count towards your goal intake

  2. Increase Vegetable Intake

    • Eating more plant-based foods can help prevent disease, manage chronic conditions, reverse disease, and is great for overall health. Aiming for at least 3 cups of veggies per day. How many servings are you eating? Get creative here! Blend veggies to make a pasta sauce, put in your smoothie, make a veggie burger, and more!

    • Many examples of vegetable to eat from ACLM: “Leafy vegetables (kale, spinach, romaine, swiss chard, collard greens, cabbage), garlic, onions, peppers (all kinds), leeks, parsnips, potatoes (all kinds), radishes, turnips, squash, green beans, tomatoes, carrots, corn, peas, cauliflower, broccoli, cucumbers, eggplant, mushrooms”

  3. Plan1 Meal Per Day and Be Intentional

    • Pick 3 meals to make! Keep leftovers in mind here- what is good for lunch the next day or dinner again? Check Instagram, youtube, pinterest or books for recipes. Screen shot or write down exactly what you need to make the meal.

    • Then, head to the grocery store. Be intentional with your ingredient choices. Get real food- the less processed the better.

    • Cook extra- make sure you have a good storage devise for leftovers

    • Our goal is to reduce snacking and eat more nutritious meals throughout the day while being intentional with what we are consuming.

  4. Take it Day-By-Day, Moment-To-Moment

    • It can be easy to "fall off the wagon" and feel defeated. Truth is, most of us fall off multiple times. How great is it that we woke up today with another chance. Today is a great day to forgive yourself and do your best going forward. Nobody is perfect.

    • Be persistent! Remember why it is you want to accomplish your goals. Be intentional.  You can do it!!

  5. Find Accountability

    • Find a partner or organization to help motivate you and keep you accountable as you strive for your goals. I encourage you to reach out to us at Lifestyle Health and Wellness!

    • Examples: Group walk, Intramural Sports, Yoga classes, Cycling Classes, Gym memberships, and lunch walking buddies.


Accountability and Services offered through Lifestyle Health and Wellness

·         Monthly Support through our Weight Loss Membership

·         Weekly Wellness Walks offered at the clinic (May - October)

·         Supplement Support

·         Weekly, Bi-monthly and Monthly Coaching Sessions (page coming soon, schedule today!)

·         Take our 12- week Weight Support course. New content uploads weekly for you to complete at your own pace.

·         Personalized Plans- Reach out today to learn more

We hope you were able to pick up a few tips and tricks from reading our blog.  Start implementing today and have a great 2023!

In good health,

Dr. Krista DNP, ARNP, FNP-C

Owner, Nurse Practitioner


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