Mid-Week Motivation

At times in life, it feels as though we spend all day climbing hills, battling our challenges and just as we reach the peak, the valley and next mountain top becomes visible.

Life can easily become overwhelming when we fail to recognize and appreciate the view from the mountain we just climbed. There will always be bigger mountains and new challenges to take on but don’t let that take away from where you are right now. Big goals are earned by accomplishing tons of smaller goals, just like each step up the mountain. Enjoy the process of each step.

We will have to climb and descend for the rest of our lives, and it's important to celebrate the journey we took to get there (no matter how many times we paused, fell down, or took breaks). Take a moment when you get to the top of a mountain (even midway up the mountain) and be grateful for the journey that got you to where you are.

Many things in our lives are never ending and at times will test us. Breathe into these moments with the gratitude and have the courage to continuously work on getting up those mountains.

"After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb." Nelson Mandela

"After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb." Nelson Mandela

In good health,

Dr. Krista, DNP, ARNP, FNP-C

Owner, Nurse Practitioner


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